Tag: <span>theresia</span>

Empower: how to develop a music business idea

July 1, 2024

Among the various opportunities Theresia offers its musicians is a capacity-building programme that includes workshops, courses, and seminars designed to cultivate broader skills crucial for young musicians shaping their professional futures. One specific seminar is dedicated to coaching musicians in developing music business ideas led by Claudia Crippa, Head of Business Innovation at ICONS and Lorenzo Morelli, Junior Officer Business Innovation at ICONS

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Lots to celebrate: Theresia’s first ten years

February 16, 2023

Theresia is proud and happy to celebrate its first 10 years of activity with a concert in the very town where everything started!

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Theresia Orchestra and a year in music

December 28, 2021

Let’s give a look to the six things that made us proud and happy in 2021!

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Theresia Orchestra launches new 2020 concert season

January 8, 2020

  Theresia’s new concert season starts again, with the first residence in 2020 and two concerts in January.

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Theresia e l’eredità di Bach

June 27, 2019

Approfondiamo il programma che gli archi di Theresia eseguiranno a Ginevra il 7 e 8 luglio al termine dello stage condotto da Chiara Banchini e Girolamo Bottiglieri, con musiche di Mozart, CPE Bach e Mendellsohn

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Vienna, Salzburg, Mannheim:
Theresia’s musical journey at Trame Sonore

May 23, 2019

We are about to embark on an enlightening musical journey. It will bring us and our audience through the three main towns when it comes to Classicism: Vienna, Salzburg and Mannheim

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Dai voce alla cultura donando il 5 per 1000 a sostegno di Theresia

May 15, 2019

È possibile sostenere attivamente le attività di Theresia destinando il 5 per 1000 alla Fondazione iCons. Un piccolo gesto per dare voce alla cultura!

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Rediscovering Michael Haydn: an interview with David Wyn Jones

March 31, 2019

Michael Haydn’s fame is now considerably overshadowed by that of his older brother, Franz Joseph Haydn, but he was a prolific composer who in his days was much admired. Find more in the interview with Professor David Wyn Jones

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Meet Theresia: Lino Mendoza

February 22, 2019

“Theresia has a very particular way to bond between the members of the projects: since the beginning you can feel like you are part of a family. “

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What’s next: 2019 in one glance

December 17, 2018

2019 will be a rich year, with two big orchestral projects, a wind academy and three special projects for strings. Good for the newcomers that will join Theresia after the upcoming string auditions!

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