Europa musicale, più piccola dopo Brexit?
June 27, 2016Dubbi e interrogativi del dopo Brexit: come cambierà la vita dei musicisti dentro e fuori la Gran Bretagna?
Read MoreWelcome, summer!
June 24, 2016Summer has finally arrived: for most it’s holiday time, but not for Theresia. As a matter of fact, one of the busiest time of the year is coming for us, and an intense summer is expected. Theresia Youth Baroque Orchestra will be in Rovereto for its summer residency, starting from 20th August: Rovereto is where […]
Read MoreIn the name of Maria Theresia
June 21, 2016If our name somehow made you think of the Empress of Austria, you are absolutely right. The name of the project and of the orchestra is a homage to the great Maria Theresia.
Read MoreI cd di Theresia su Radio Capodistria
June 3, 2016La giornalista Luisa Antoni ha presentato su Radio Capodistria nel corso della trasmissione Sonoramente Classici il cd “Live in Bolzano” di Theresia Youth Baroque Orchestra. Potete sentire l’intera puntata a questo link, buon ascolto!
Read MoreGood news for EUYO, Europe is going to save it
June 1, 2016Europe is going to find an immediate and sustainable solution in favor of the European Youth Orchestra funding
Read MorePresentato il Bolzano Festival, Theresia ancora protagonista
May 30, 2016Theresia nel cuore di un Festival lungo un mese, un Festival che ospita le grandi orchestre giovanili, le star del pianismo internazionali e gli ensemble di musica antica più dinamici: Theresia Youth Baroque Orchestra torna, per il quarto anno consecutivo, al Bolzano Festival, il partner a cui siamo più legati. Il concerto, che vedrà l’orchestra […]
Read MoreTheresia, welcome to the new members
May 23, 2016After the end of the Venice workshop and auditions, now we have the names of the new members: 27 musicians were selected to join Theresia and take part in TYBO’s musical stages and orchestral projects in 2016-2019. The youngest are Simone Pirri and Samuel Casale, respectively Italian violinist and flutist born in 1994, the oldest […]
Read MoreTaglio dei finanziamenti, EUYO a rischio chiusura
May 13, 2016Il taglio dei finanziamenti porterà alla chiusura dell’Orchestra Giovanile dell’Unione Europea, fondata nel 1976
Read MoreDiario veneziano: intervista a Gabriele Rossi Rognoni
May 9, 2016“Dobbiamo entrare in un sistema di pensiero che ci permetta di ricostruire come venisse vissuta l’esperienza della musica in un’altra epoca che non ci appartiene più”
Read MoreMeet Theresia: a Venetian diary (part two)
May 6, 2016Let’s keep on meeting some of the musicians that are participating to workshop and auditions here in San Giorgio Maggiore Island in Venice. Yesterday we talked with Clara, Vadym and Samuel: today we are meeting Taylor Townsend, 26 year, horn player from Colorado, USA. “Yes, I am from Colorado, but I haven’t been living in […]
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