Tag: <span>Quirinale</span>

Theresia Wind Ensemble’s whistle-stop spring tour

April 28, 2023

Ready for a nice spring trip? The season is blooming, the weather is mild, and we are sure our musicians will be overjoyed for the three-stage tour that will take Theresia Wind Ensemble from Lodi to Rome to end in Koper (Slovienia).

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Listen to Theresia!

May 15, 2015

We told you about the exiciting days of our last tour, from Lodi to Rome and L’Aquila. Now we want you to listen to something from our performances! As you know, Rome concert was live broadcasted by italian national radio, Rai Radio3: on the official website is now available the podcast with 3rd movement from […]

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In tour, da Lodi a Roma

April 28, 2015

Theresia is back! Ricominciamo i nostri concerti alla grande, con uno stage che da Lodi ci porterà a L’Aquila e a a Roma e anche… sulle frequenze di Rai Radio 3! Ma andiamo con ordine: dal 5 all’8 maggio Theresia Youth Baroque Orchestra sarà a Lodi per uno stage in cui lavorerà con il proprio […]

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