Un nuovo sito per Theresia Youth Orchestra / The new website

By Theresia

September 6, 2016

Theresia Youth Orchestra ha un nuovo sito ufficiale: www.theresia-orchestra.eu, su cui potrete trovare tutte le informazioni sull’attività, il calendario dei concerti e le nostre photogallery. Il nostro blog naturalmente continuerà a raccontare la vita dell’orchestra e ad offrirvi approfondimenti sulle politiche culturali, sul mecenatismo e sulle forme alternative di finanziamento alla cultura. Buona navigazione e continuate a seguirci!

Theresia Youth Orchestra has a new website: on www.theresia-orchestra.eu you can find information like our activity, the calendar of our concerts and our photogalleries. The blog will go on, of course: it will continue to tell the life of the orchestra and to publish deepenings about cultural politic, private patronage and alternative funding. Enjoy the surfing and follow us!

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Theresia's blog is the place where stories of members, places and music are told. Some posts are in english, some in italian: find your own language and enjoy the blog!