More than a Symphony, more than a Concerto: J.C. Bach and the “symphonie concertante”
November 14, 2015At the heart of our next performance there is the Symphony Concertante C44 by Johann Christian Bach. It was Chiara Banchini herself to choose to perform this piece with Theresia; and it was Chiara Banchini to pick out the soloists (Klaudia Matlak, Agnieszka Papierska, Laura Lovisa and Maria Misiarz) from the orchestra. Let us introduce […]
Read MoreCon Chiara Banchini, Theresia “concertante”
November 10, 2015Uno sguardo al programma dei prossimi concerti
Read MoreMeet Theresia: Assen Boyadjiev (en)
September 10, 2015translation by: Charlotte Michi Assen Boyadjiev is the second soloist that played with Theresia this summer: he played the fortepiano, Olga Pashchenko the harpsichord. Also Assen is an acquaintance of Theresia, he took part at the Premio Ferrari in 2012, winning the Second Place and the “Theresia” Special Price for the best performance of a concert written by Mozart. 34 years, he […]
Read MoreMeet Theresia: Olga Pashchenko (en)
September 9, 2015translation by: Charlotte Michi Olga Pashchenko is the harpsichordist that has been soloist with Assen Boyadjiev in the Concert for harpsichord, fortepiano and orchestra by Carl Philip Emanuel Bach we performed this summer: it was not the first time we met her, she played with Theresia in 2012, during the final of Premio Ferrari. After […]
Read MoreChiara Banchini intervistata da Radio3 Suite
August 22, 2015[row padding_top=”” padding_bottom=”” bg=”” bg_light=”true” appear=”false”] [column size=”1-2″ appear=”false”]Ecco il podcast dell’intervista che la trasmissione Radio3 Suite ha fatto a Chiara Banchini due giorni prima del concerto di Bolzano. Siamo felici di una così ampia attenzione alle nostre attività![/column] [column size=”1-2″ appear=”false”]Radio 3 Suite, the main musical radio program on italian national radio, interviewed Chiara […]
Read MoreDouble interview: Olga Pashchenko and Assen Boyadjiev
August 21, 2015Olga Pashchenko and Assen Boyadjiev will be performing with the “Theresia Youth Baroque Orchestra”, conducted by Chiara Banchini, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach’s double Concert for Harspichord. Fortepiano and Orchestra in Dobbiaco and Bolzano. We made a short video-interview during the rehearsal at the Centro Culturale of The Grand Hotel in Dobbiaco!
Read MoreMeet Theresia: Assen Boyadjiev
August 19, 2015Incontriamo Assen Boyadjiev, protagonista al fortepiano nel Doppio Concerto di CPE Bach
Read MoreMeet Theresia: Olga Pashchenko
August 19, 2015Intervista a Olga Pashchenko, solista con Theresia
Read MoreTheresia goes live on Twitter
August 13, 2015In diretta su Periscope le lezioni in cui Chiara Banchini approfondirà il “Trattato sull’Arte di Suonare gli Strumenti a Tastiera” di C.P.E. Bach
Read MoreInterview with Chiara Banchini
August 3, 2015“I love Boccherini, I feel good conducting and performing his music, because he’s enjoyable. Both me and the orchestra manage without any problem these typical long italian-like phrases.”
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