How do you empower a musician? Traditionally, masterclasses and workshops are the places where young talented musicians improve their technique, deepen their knowledge of the repertoire, and challenge themselves in playing in front of an audience and with colleagues. Music, though, is not a musician’s entire life, not even when you think only of their work life. One has to manage the business side of the whole thing, take care of one’s physical health, and even promote oneself. That’s a lot.
We kept this kind of complexity in mind when we found ourselves planning the training modules of the capacity-building activity, a program at the very core of the European funded project EMPOWER. We defined five different competences that we want our musicians to improve: artistic performance, naturally, but also organisational, economic and managerial skills; digital and technological skills for marketing and communication; personal development and well-being; ecological transition.
As Silvia Raimondi, project manager at ICONS pointed out, we aim to “give young musicians the skills to manage themselves by the means of business management, communication, by coping with stress and also by acting sustainably”.
Eleven seminars are planned to cover all five areas: the seminars are going to be held mainly online and initially they will be intended for Theresia musicians only, but the plan is to expand our audience in the future including Theresia’s alumni and Theresia’s partners that may be interested.
In this first phase of the project, the formative offer will be tailored according to the specific need of every musician, through a preliminary interview that will state the needs; the plan will be then adjourned every six months.
Teachers involved are Simone Laghi, Artistic Secretary of Theresia Orchestra, who will discuss specific aspects of organology of the classical period, providing information about the development of the Orchestra as a musical entity during the period between 1750 and 1800; conductor Vanni Moretto, who will provide musicians with the tools to understand and interpret eighteenth-century music, through the precious information provided by 18th century’s essayists; musicologist Bertil Van Boer, Professor Emeritus of Musicology-Theory at Western Washington University, who will deepen the general historical context and the question research of sources and references in archives. Looking at the managerial side of a musician’s life, Claudia Crippa, Senior business analyst at ICONS, will hold a two-part seminar focused firstly on improving knowledge about the musical “sector” and their economics, the way economics impact a musician’s career and secondly to improving knowledge about self-resources to cope with the “market”. Charlotte Michi, Director of the Innovation Farm Unit and Project Manager at ICONS will help musicians to strengthen personal digital communication skills, by giving an overview of the different online channels and providing musicians with the basic digital skills to promote their work on them. A second seminar will focus on the creation of content to be shared online. Soprano and performer Laura Catrani will guide musicians to experiment with the beneficial effects of postural techniques and GYROKINESIS® specifically designed for musicians. Speaking of well-being, Alessandra Calzarossa, professional coach and senior HR expert, will address the area of the “inner game” and emotional impact on performance and results to improve the musician’s performance and professionalism. Last but not least, Veronica Meneghello, Project coordinator for national and international projects on sustainability in ICONS, will help musicians to understand how to improve their knowledge of the environmental impact of their lifestyle choices, especially those connected to their work and travels, and thus lower it.
The series of seminars will start during the next residency and will be focused on well-being through the practice of postural techniques and GYROKINESIS®. Stay tuned to read further details on both the residency and the seminar on our blog!
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