Do you remember “Roman Holiday”? It’s a 1953 american romantic movie with a young Audrey Hepburn in the role of a princess in tour among European capitals. During her stay in Italy, frustrated with her tightly scheduled life, she escapes from her country’s embassy to experience Rome on her own. Obviously, she meets an handsome american (Gregory Peck), and she has a great time enjoying her freedom and going around visiting the most beautiful places of the city: Pantheon, Castel Sant’Angelo, Fontana di Trevi, Piazza di Spagna, Trinità dei Monti, Colosseo…
Well, yes, we know: it won’t be the same for Theresia in its two-days-stay in Rome. At least, we hope our musicians aren’t going to leave with some handsome stranger. But we are sure that some of the romantic and fascinating air of Rome will thrill some of them.
First of all, on 10th May at noon we are going to perform in one of the most important places in Italy, Palazzo del Quirinale, the current official residence of the President of the Italian Republic. The palace was built in 1583 by Pope Gregory XIII as a papal summer residence. The palace is composed of the main building, which is built around the majestic courtyard, and of the Quirinal Gardens: famous for their privileged position that they are almost like “island” elevated on Rome, they were over the centuries changed depending on the tastes and needs of the papal court.
Take a look at the beauty of Palazzo del Quirinale enjoying this virtual tour
And now you all are asking the same thing: why Theresia is going to perform inside Palazzo del Quirinale (more precisely, in Cappella Paolina, at the hearth of the palace)? Well, we have been invited to perform as part of the concert season “I concerti del Quirinale di Radio3” which is really quite peculiar: almost every Sunday from October to May, the tourists that visit the Palace (opened for tourist tours only on Sunday) can attend a concert in the amazing Cappella Paolina. It is something halfway between a radio show and a concert, because it is live broadcasted by italian national radio (Rai – Radio3) all over Europe (and you all can hear to the concert, thanks to the streaming).
The orchestra will be conducted by Claudio Astronio: you find the program on this page . We hope to meet you in Rome, at Quirinale Palace!